“Manifest your truest desires,
while becoming more of who you are”


It is time to claim your truest desires and become the person you were always meant to be.

The one thing that has been blocking you until now… your energy. But we’re about to change all of that.

21 Videos | 21 EXERCISES

Transform your life in just
21 days


Have you ever worked really hard at something, and yet it feels like pushing shit up a hill. Or on the flip side, has something ever come to you really easily. This is because at any given moment, our energy is either open and attracting or it is repelling it. 


We may want something consciously but if our unconscious mind has a fear around having it or an attachment to it then we may be repelling the very thing we desire. 


It’s time to let go of the hustle and the push. It’s time to open yourself up to working WITH the energetics of this world and attract what you want with ease.

This course is for you if...

  • You want to create a life for yourself where you wake up every day feeling in love with it.
  • You want to create more abundance while doing less.
  • You are willing to make changes and be supported.
  • You’re willing to see and do things differently.
  • You know deep down you are made for more.
  • You’re ready to learn and be transformed.
  • You’re willing to take responsibility for your life.
  • You’re ready to take inspired action.
  • You’re ready to work smart, not hard.
  • You’re open to creating your own rules and doing things in a way that feels good to you.
  • You’re ready to strip away old conditioning and decide what gets to be true for you.
  • You’re willing to trust and follow your desires, intuition, and superconscious more and more.
  • You’re ready to unlock your deepest part of you and elevate from the inside out.
  • And this course is also for you if you don’t yet know what I am talking about. Haha, this course is here to teach you all of it

This course is not for you if...

  • You are not willing to change or see things differently.
  • You’re not willing to do the internal work.
  • You are not ready to take responsibility for where you are at in your life.
  • If you plan to watch it as a Netflix series without implementing the tools given.

Raise your energetic maximums

Have you ever reached a new level of success, and then something happened. You lost it or you manifested a loss of something in some other area. This is because our nervous system is accustomed to what it considers to be your normal.


So when we reach new levels of success, unless we integrate it in our nervous system, our unconscious mind will find ways to self sabotage. So that it can remain in what it considers to be your comfort zone, aka safety zone. 


In this course you’ll learn how to work with your upper and lower limits. So that you can break through your upper limits and integrate new levels of success as your new normal.


  • What is energy
  • How to shift out of old ways of thinking
  • The 3 step formula
  • How to increase your energetic standards
  • Incremental upgrades
  • How clearing space is key
  • Inspirational no’s
  • Head vs heart
  • Working WITH the universe
  • Energetic set points
  • How to receive more
  • How to focus on what we WANT
  • The bow and arrow theory
  • How to expand our nervous system
  • How to work with our superconscious
  • How to cultivate gratitude
  • How gratitude is links to what we receive
  • As well as two powerful manifesting mediations 

When we tap into the codes of the universe and work with our energy,
we unlock our superpower.

My journey with energy

I used to believe that I was solely working toward my goals. That it required pure grit, hard work, and hustle in order to get to where I was going and if I’m completely honest, I thought resting and celebrating was a little bit of a waste of time. 


And what I didn’t know then is that, by hustling I was coming from a place of lack. And therefore my energy was set to, not enough.


So although I arrived at my goal and created a multiple 6-figure business, it was unsustainable. Like pushing shit up a hill.


I didn’t realize there was another way. I didn’t realize that by becoming an energetic match I could attract my goals with a sense of ease and flow. And that by doing so, I would create momentum and a magnet for more success.

We are holistic beings, and we are designed to have it all. The more we align our energetics, the more every area of our life is able to expand.

Repeat after me, “I can have it ALL.”


Where in your life have you been solely focused on the doing? It may be that you spend copious amounts of time searching for your dream man until you get frozen shoulder from scrolling on Tinder. Whatever it may be. Learning to work with codes of your energy allows you to attract your desires with flow and enjoyment, no sacrifice required.

By creating from a place of alignment, by shifting our beliefs and prioritizing our nervous system, we end up becoming an energetic match for the things we desire and are able to draw them into our physical reality with ease and sustainability.

Hear from Sophie's clients