
The one thing that is consistent is that everything is forever changing. We are a part of nature. And just like everything that exists in our nature, it is designed to grow. When you experience my coaching, expect to experience rapid transformation.


We first need to be willing to be vulnerable before we can alchemise our wounds into wisdom. And it is through our vulnerability that we can truly see and connect with another. As a coach, I am leading with vulnerability. Expect to feel that I am walking beside you


Truth is the embodiment of coming back home to yourself. Shedding light on any shadows and removing the masks and the ego. It is knowing you are divine infinite wisdom. And trusting that softening back into the wholeness of who you are, is the key to holding your truest desires.


Despite how difficult this world can feel at times, I believe this world is made for us. To give us not what we want, but what we need. It will give us the situations and people that are needed in order for us to evolve. The feather, the brick, and then the truck. Subtly at first and increasingly louder until we decide to listen.

I believe that everything is energy. Vibrating at its own frequencies. And we are either attracting to what we want or what we don’t want. It is a mirror. Reflecting back to us what is going on within. As soon as we decide to take full responsibility of everything in ourworld, or more so, our relationship to it, is the moment we regain our power.

I believe that all of the answers are within us. The law of polarity. If we have the problem, we also have the solution. They key is becoming quiet enough to hear the answers, and courageous enough to follow them.

I believe we are innately worthy. I believe our desires have been placed in our hearts because our soul is craving the exact evolution required in order to obtain them. N that by alchemizing our greatest fears and doubts, we are able to expand our nervous system in order to hold the life we truly desire.

I believe we all have an intuition. Some are more tuned to it. Some have learnt to trust it. And only few have the courage to follow it. But it is through deepening our relationship to it that we unlock our superconscious wisdom.

I believe the journey is our initiation. It’s not about what we achieve but about who we become in the process. An opportunity to shed the layers that do not serve and integrate parts of us back into the wholeness of who we truly are, allowing us to become the more powerful and authentic versions of ourselves.

By doing so, we begin to heal those around us, those who walk alongside us, those who came before us in our ancestral line, and those still yet to come. You hold the power to decide how much meaning your life gets to have. It starts with you, and the time is now.


Everybody has a story, each divinely unique. 

It is within each unique experience that we hold our greatest lessons and gifts. 

Before I share my story with you, I want you to know one thing. 

Struggle and pain is not required in order to uplevel and grow

But if struggle and pain is here, there is ALWAYS a gift within it. 

And so long as we are experiencing the struggling, we may as well use that energy to fuel our greatest triumphs….


I want to take you back to a moment in time. Sitting on my boyfriends (at the time) couch for yet another night of him towering over me, yelling, screaming, calling me things that I never thought I would be being called. 

While my lungs are hyperventilating, eczema itchy and inflamed. Every part of my body is screaming and yet my voice remains silent. 

Disconnected from my power. Thinking this is maybe all I deserve. Feeling as though his needs come before mine. Feeling as though I need to make him happy in order to be loved. 

And BOY.. was I wrong.

I want to fast forward to now. 1st of November 2024. I roll over in bed and am embraced by my best friend and lover. He asks “Do you want breakfast in bed today?” After my delicious poached eggs and a walk with my lover where we discuss our day. He turns to me and says “How can I support you today?”

And when I get home, I find him with a candlelit dinner and a massage table set up. “Would you like a massage before or after dinner?” He says.

This didn’t happen by accident. I didn’t just happen to leave a ‘bad’ man and find a ‘good’ one. It came from a lot of internal work and development. 

It came from:

  • Raising my standards
  • Learning to express my needs. 
  • Listening to my inner voice 
  • Taking responsibility for my past relationships and my part in co creating them
  • Setting my boundaries
  • Saying no
  • Knowing I’m innately worthy
  • Being willing to stand alone
  • Understanding happiness and love are both inside jobs
  • Becoming independent 
  • Not settling for less than I deserve
  • Shifting my beliefs
  • Learning to trust myself with love again

It's an energy.

Eight years ago my energy said “you can walk all over me because I’m not sure I even respect myself.” 

Now.. My energy says, “I am fucking royalty. And if you want to be in my life, then that’s how you’ll treat me.” 

I know my value and my worth. And I help women to reconnect with theirs.


Do you ever wonder what is driving us forward?

I was 22 when I reached my first 6 figure year. I was experiencing motivation and achievement. I felt like I was on fire. 

We as humans are designed to have seasons. So naturally my body began calling for rest. It wanted to have space to celebrate and integrate my success. “Rest? what will that mean about me? Who will I be if I am not achieving”

There was a part of me attaching my worthiness to my achievements.

But without integrating our past success’, we can’t move into holding more. 

Without yet knowing about this work, this part remained in the driver’s seat, continuing to push forward. I was reaching new levels of burnout, resentment and chronic fatigue. It become less about the passion and impact and more about proving myself and a fear of loosing what I’d created.

I had created a level of attachment to my success. I need it, in order to feel worthy. 

Without realizing it, I went from being a magnet to being a repellent. And by the age 26 I lost all of it. 

Sometimes we need to burn away what is not aligned, in order to rebuild. 

This process taught me

  • I am a holistic being, designed to have it all, no sacrifice required. My person life fuels my business and vice versa. 
  • My desires are mine for a reason. Because it requires me softening and becoming more of me in order to attract them
  • I am not doing this alone. There is energy and undercurrents at play. What is in my subconscious mind will manifest. 
  • I don’t “need” Anything. I am worthy and whole as I am. 
  • And that it is 80% about energy. Who we are, what we believe and what vibration we give off, what our nervous system is able to hold. And only 20% about what we do, the strategy, the action. 


I am very happy to say, I did rebuild my business. I currently have 6 staff members and I only work when I want. It did take me a little longer to rebuild the second time and that is because I was building it with a solid foundation. 

I was 

  • Stopping to celebrate the wins and integrate my success. 

  • Building and expanding ALL areas of life

  • Building from a place of alignment, integrity and desire. 

  • Trusting my intuition and allowing it to guide me

  • Becoming the magnet that attracts her success rather than chasing it. 

  • Creating from a place of alignment. Ensuring stability, enjoyment and longevity. 


I only work when I want. My job lights me up and so does my personal life. I trust deeply, If I desire it, then it is made for me and therefore, I don’t need to chase it or become someone I am not. I only need to soften, allowing my intuition and heart to lead the way. And I always remember to enjoy the mother fucking journey. 

And now, I help other women to do the same.

What words do you want playing in your mind as you lay on your deathbed?

I hope to lay on mine, knowing I had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me. I hope to lay on my deathbed knowing no stone was left unturned and that I made a deep impact in this world and the lives around me.

This life is yours to live and create just as you wish. It’s a canvas. An opportunity. But only if we choose it to be. Some live their lives asleep, unaware of their own power. But not you.

The fact that you are here and are reading these words tells me you’re awakening to something deeper within yourself. 

Our past does not define us. In this present moment, you have the power to create something different.

I’m here to show you what’s possible. Click the link below.

See you soon, Queen. x